05182013 mischief managed

Today I arranged a meet up with an old friend. It was nerve breaking and exciting both at the same time. After three long years we had the chance to talk things over through a coffee afternoon and movie date. The time felt like it was taking its time to slow down. We had a lot of things we talked about, reminisced on what went through for the last three years of our lives being separated. Its nice to know that we still have our comfort zones for each other. Life has changed us both we realized those changes as we walked down the seaside bay of the mall. So how do i share our story? he is a good guy I met during college, not really your average one he was more like the troublemaker in disguise. Back  then we dated for more than a year made the relationship official which lasted for a year or so. It was crazy because we lost communication but then time really lets us meet at places we didn’t expect to see each other from. Its nice to look back at things we used to do and share. Today was just a friendly date because we are both committed to our own partners but it was meaningful and I wanted to share my emotions about this day because after today after knowing everything we needed to say before but didn’t it made me feel relieved to finally be able to share our sorry for each other. Some don’t believe that old Ex relationship can work out as friends, but for me it does not apply. Why? because when old wounds mend at the end of the day they are one of the few who knows you better than they do. This if of course just on my own point of view.


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